Workshop Delft 2018
10th Workshop on the CityGML Energy ADE, (5)/6/7 December 2018
The workshop is organized and hosted by the at
and supported by
The workshop will take place at the Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands.
Presentations of the meeting
The presentations of the workshop and the knowledge exchange event are now online!
They can be accessed here
Workshop Organization
Aim of the workshop
The OGC CityGML SWG, the SIG 3D and the
Delft University of Technology
will host a joint workshop regarding the development of a CityGML Application Domain Extension (ADE). This extension, named Energy ADE, extends the existing CityGML information model and defines standardised energy-related features and attributes needed, for example, for bottom-up building energy simulation purposes at city scale. The Energy ADE has reached version 1.0 during the first half of 2018.
The workshop will be the opportunity to gather further requirements, ideas, suggestions, and experiences from CityGML users, data producers, software vendors, and scientists developing and using the CityGML Energy ADE.
The goal of this workshop is to discuss about the Energy ADE milestones, possible updates and improvements, but, most importantly, it will offer the chance to bring together experts from different disciplines in order to share experiences and contribute with constructive input to the further adoption and development of the Energy ADE.
Reports on experiences from usage of the Energy ADE, strengths and shortcomings, as well as constructive feedback are more than welcome in the workshop!
The 10th Energy ADE workshop is adirect follow-up of the previous workshops. The last one took place at the RWTH Aachen University in Aachen, Germany.
Agenda and addressed topics
This is just a short version of the agenda, please refer to the detailed Agenda of the Workshop for precise information.
- Wednesday, 5 December 2018 (OPTIONAL)
- 09:30-12:30 Crash course on CityGML
- 14:00-16:30 Crash course on the Energy ADE
- Please note: The optional introductory crash courses are intended for people with no or little knowledge about CityGML and the Energy ADE. If you want to register for the crash course, please refer to section "Registration" (maximum 30 people).
- Thursday, 6 December 2018
- 09:30-12:30 Energy ADE workshop: Organisational and development meeting
- 13:45-17:30 Knowledge exchange event on "Energy & the digital built environment"
- Please note: If you plan to participate in the knowledge exchange event ONLY, please just send a mail to the organisers (see section Contacts for details)
- Friday, 7 December 2018
- 09:00-16:00 Energy ADE workshop: Technical meeting
Participants willing to attend the whole CityGML Energy ADE workshop need to register and fill out the doodle (see later, section "Registration")
Who should participate
If you are a CityGML user, data producer, software vendor or a scientist working on energy topics at urban scale, you are heartily encouraged to participate in the workshop.
If you are involved in simulations but not yet familiar with CityGML and interested in an interoperable and compatible exchange model for city simulations you are also welcome.
If you are a developer/user of urban energy simulation models or a user of the Energy ADE, and you would like to contribute presenting some slides about your Energy ADE-related experiences with modelling, data or applications, please contact the local organizers (Giorgio Agugiaro and Kavisha Kumar)
Additionally, we will contact a number of individuals and groups from which they know about their CityGML activities in the energy sector and ask them for presentations.
Registration is required.
- If you want to participate in the crash courses on Wednesday, please fill out this Doodle. Be aware that the number of participants is limited (Deadline 30 November).
- If you want to participate ONLY in the event on Thursday afternoon, just send a mail to the organisers. (Deadline 4 December).
- If you want to participate in the whole workshop on Thursday AND Friday (including the event), please fill out this Doodle. (Deadline 30 November)
For further information, please contact the local organisers via mail (Giorgio Agugiaro and Kavisha Kumar).
Costs of participation
The event is kindly sponsored by TU Delft. Hence, participation is free of charge including coffee breaks. Costs for travel and accommodation, as well as the social dinner on Thursday 6 December will be at the participant's own expense.
Organizing Committee
Giorgio Agugiaro | 3D Geoinformation Group, TU Delft |
Kavisha Kumar | 3D Geoinformation Group, TU Delft |
Greg Buehler | Open Geospatial Consortium |
Egbert Casper | SIG 3D of the Spataial Data Infrastructure Germany |
Contact and logistics
For any questions regarding the workshop, please contact Giorgio Agugiaro or Kavisha Kumar.
More info about TU Delft here.
How to get to TU Delft: Venue