2015 NI Minutes of the Workshop
Minutes Wiki.txt
3rd Workshop CityGML EnergyADE - Sophia Antipolis (France), 12th of May 2015
- Host: CSTB, France
- List of participants
Action Items (May 2015 - Nov. 2015)
Provide Feedbacks on the current UML Schemas (see Community Portal) | ALL participants | Nov 2014
Finalize the ADE Energy UML Schema, based on the different Feedbacks | HFT (Bruse, Nouvel) | 1st week Dec 2014
Write ADE Energy XSD Schema | EIFER (Nichersu), CSTB (Tournaire) | Dec 2014
Implement XSD Schema in the different simulation tools/platforms Write test CityGML file |
RWTH Aachen, EPFL, SINERGIS, CSTB, TUM, HFT | Jan - Feb 2015
Start simulation based on test CityGML file Iterative process with feedbacks |
RWTH Aachen, EPFL, SINERGIS, CSTB, TUM, HFT | Mar - Apr 2015
Come to next workshop with results | ALL participants | May 2015
Presentations and Minutes
TOP 1: Organisation of the Energy ADE Development/Revision process
Working Group (WG) organisationThe Energy ADE is structured in separated modules as decided in Stuttgart in May 2014. Each module is developed, documented and updated by a working group with expert participants and two working group coordinators:
In the revision process, these coordinators are in charge of animating the working group with intern online meeting, and centralizing the discussed updates related to their Energy ADE module. Experts can participate parallely to several Working Groups. Technical Committee (TC)CityGML standard is formally defined with a XML schema. The same applied to its ADEs. It allows in particular for the automatic generation of class objects within Java, Python etc. using some dedicated plug-ins (e.g. JavaXB), which is essential during the revision process.
GitHub, our online platform for the revision processA GitHub directory citygml/energy has been created, hosted by the CSTB since the beginning of the year. This GitHub platform centralizes the issues and discussions of all Energy ADE participants between two ADE releases. Issues are related to specific Energy ADE Modules through its label. They can be created by everybody. Some specific assignee may be given. Once an issue has been resolved after discussion inside a working group, leading to a solution in the XML Schema, it can be closed. ACTION (ALL/asap): Every participant of the Energy ADE group should register on this GitHub directory to participate to the revision process (register on GitHub and then ask access to the CityGML/energy directory to Olivier Tournaire from CSTB by providing him your GitHub login).
Wiki page, our support for external communicationIt has been decided to use our wiki page hosted by SIG3D only for external communication, using from now only the public page. Our dissemination activities (paper and conference) will be moved from the community portal to the public page. The GitHub platform, more adapted for our revision process, will replace the development part of the Community Portal. ACTION (E. Casper/July15):Shift dissemination information from restricted page to the public page. Shift the information related with WG work to GitHub. Work on the wiki interface to make it a bit more fancy. Put onto the wiki: the UML diagrams, the contacts, name of working groups (like the GitHub homepage).
Revision process
ACTION (TC/July15):Create a Gmail address for contacting TC.
When should be released the next version?The actual Energy ADE version 0.5 has been released in March 2015, after a 6-month development process. It is compliant with CityGML ADE standard UML modelling and ISO-19xxx. There is presently no documentation about it.
ACTION (All WGs/Aug15): All Working groups provide modification requests to the TC before the end of the summer, so that they can integrate them in the new release of October
ACTION (All WGs/Aug15): Fill the documentation table and write a Guide lines in a separate documents, integrating examples on how to use the Energy ADE module
TOP 2: Indicators
Mostafa El Fouly. (TU Munich) Presentation: The INSPIRE Building Model for Energy Applications |
TOP 3: Standard calculation methods and data models
Maryam Zirak (HFT Stuttgart / TU Munich) Presentation: Proposal of a Material Extension for the EnergyADE
TOP 4: INSPIRE Building - data specification
Piergiorgio Cipriano (Sinergis) Presentation: Report of the Activities of the Building Physics Group |
TOP 5: Work in working groups |
TOP 6: Urban simulation software CitySIM
Silvia Coccolo (EPFL) Presentation: Report of the Activities of the Energy Systems Group |
TOP 7: Urban simulation software SimStadt
Romain Nouvel (HFT Stuttgart) |
TOP 8: Metadata development
Volker Kraut (M.O.S.S. Taufkirchen) |
TOP 9: Technical implementation of Energy ADE and related Database
Volker Kraut (M.O.S.S. Taufkirchen) Presentation: Report of the Activities of the Metadata Group
Time Series |
TOP 8: Planning of Next steps
Organized in Nov-Dec 2015. ACTION (Jul.15): TU Munich and AIT check if they can host.